Saturday, July 23, 2011

To Protect—and Serve!

On Friday afternoon, I spent several very pleasant hours at the annual Amherst Town Employees' Annual Picnic, held at Cherry Hill Golf Course.

It's a chance for dedicated servants of the community to socialize and relax. Several of us elected officials attended, as well:  Select Board Chair Stephanie O'Keeffe and member Diana Stein and I were all there (never fear: although three members constitute a quorum, this was not a violation of the Open Meeting Law, which, although now in new and stricter form, does not pertain to social or chance gatherings where business is not deliberated).

It was nice to see such a good turnout on such a hot day (temperatures hit at least 98 degrees while I was there). It's a reflection of our democratic sensibilities that some of the town's leading officials do a stint preparing and serving the food (actually, much like the holiday luncheon at Hampshire College, where the President, Dean of Faculty, and other administrators dish out the meals).

Here, Police Chief Scott Livingstone (center) and Fire Chief Tim Nelson (right) toil at the grill.

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